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Fragile Giant

100 cm x 70 cm

Acryl, canvas 2019

This is a work about multitasking and instability, about the mismatch of desires and responsibilities, about the eternal struggle of rights and responsibilities in the life and consciousness of an ordinary mother herself. With this picture, I want to show that a smile of tenderness on her face at the sight of her child does not necessarily mean peace in her soul. This is the biggest and endless experience in my life: how to manage everything, make everyone happy? But at the same time, continue to love yourself and do not stop looking for your place in life. And not just look for something satisfactory, but have ambitions and make your dreams come true. A woman in her multitasking is akin to a giant who barely clings to his structure, trying to cover everything. Like the Ob stone pyramid, it maintains balance as it knows.

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